The laws of all countries prohibit for security reasons the following items in checked baggage or hand luggage:
- Document bag with built-in alarm system.
- Explosives, fireworks, torches.
- Gas carriers, e.g. irritant gases, self-defense sprays, camping stoves.
- Containers of flammable liquids, e.g. gasoline for matches, paints, plasters, cleaning materials.
- Flammable substances, e.g. matches (chibrites).
- Substances which in contact with water develop flammable gases.
- Oxidizing substances, e.g. bleaching powder, superoxide.
- Infectious and poisonous (toxic) substances, e.g. mercury, bacterial and viral culture.
- Radioactive substances and objects.
- Abrasives, e.g. acids, alkalis/bases, moist bacteria.
- Materials with strong magnetic qualities.
- Gasoline powered equipment and tools that have already contained the smallest amount of gasoline (e.g. for testing purposes).